
If you currently have more than one super fund, your management fees are multiplied. Combining all your super into a single fund can reduce your annual fees. You can have up to four family members in a Self-Managed Super Fund where the investment purchasing power and cost savings are significant.

Investment choice

You choose where to invest your money. This benefit becomes substantial where you invest in a property that your business can occupy. The Self-Managed Super Fund will have a tenant it can trust!


You know and understand the investments your Self-Managed Super Fund holds.


Self-Managed Super Funds benefit from concessional tax rates from a maximum of 15% for pre- retirement income, 10% for pre-retirement capital gains down to tax-free once you retire.


As you are in control you can respond quickly to changed super rules, market conditions or personal circumstances.


Ongoing administrative costs largely become fixed despite increasing investment values, unlike other funds that charge a percentage fee on the value of the fund. Self-Managed Super Funds can produce even greater savings with multiple members.

Self Managed Funds

Our Self-Managed Superannuation Fund services makes it simple as we…

  • Coordinate financial advice to confirm a Self-Managed Super Fund is right for your circumstances
  • Establish the Self-Managed Super Fund
  • Provide guidance on the regulatory framework
  • Coordinate investment advice, if needed
  • Prepare annual financial statements, members statements and tax return
  • Coordinate the annual audit
  • Coordinate retirement advice